Blogs so far are
Healthcare Renewal (Roy Poses and others) - the serious master of them all
Pharmagossip (Jack Friday) - the less serious master of them all
Pharmalot - and the man behind it - Ed Silverman of The Star-Ledger of New Jersey. Superlative journalism and a key source.
Brandweek NRX and Dr Peter Rost, previous Vice President of Pfizer
Pharma Giles - Good Fun
Pharma Fraud - Doesn't Like J&J particularly
Furious Seasons - Excellent look at seriously bad science in psychiatry
Scientific Misconduct Blog - This blog
Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry: A great blog discussing the malfunction of medical science with an emphasis on psychiatry
Pharma BlogoSphere and much more from John Mack (Editor & Publisher of Pharma Marketing News/Pharma Marketing Blog)
Dr Scot Silverstein, an author at Healthcare Renewal
1, 2 and 3 are three excellent and hard hitting (and deeply depressing) UK-based patient blogs devoted specifically to exposing misconduct and misrepresentation in clinical trials of Seroxat (Paxil) and various aspects of the integrity of GlaxoSmithKline.
1 = Bob Fiddaman Blog
2 = Seroxat Secrets
3 = It's quite an experience: Matt Holford (a compliance lawyer)
4 is Honest Medicine. Julia Schopick created Honest Medicine in honor of her late husband, Tim Fisher, as a way to "work with others to make significant changes to the way people think about, and interact with, our flawed medical system."
Some historical figures

UK Parties

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Nice job Aubrey.
I wish we could get the Big Pharma CEO's to take the quiz!
I can't believe I'm THAT left-wing. I'll be drummed out of the Monster Raving Loony Party with a profile like that...
The 1, 2, 3 list/links and dots are in reversed order.
Thank you - fixed it
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